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教  師姓  名

李嘉宜(Jia-Yi Li)

職  級


學  歷


專  長領  域






分  機號  碼


(A)學術期刊論文(Refereed Papers)

1.Li J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Hsieh, S. S., Yang, C. C. H., “Changes in electroencephalogram and heart rate during treadmill exercise in therat.,”Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 434, 2008, 1, pp. 175-178.

2.Kuo, T. B. J.†, Li, J. Y.†, Hsieh, S. S. Y., Chen, J. J., Tsai, C. Y., Yang, C. C. H., “Effect of aging on treadmill exercise induced thetapower in the rat,”Age, Vol. 32, 2010, 4, pp. 297-308.

3.Kuo, T. B. J., Lai, C. T., Hsu, F. C., Tseng, Y. J., Li, J. Y., Shieh, K. R., Tsai, S. C., Yang, C. C. H., “Cardiac Neural RegulationOscillates with the Estrous Cycle in Freely Moving Female Rats: the Role of Endogenous Estrogens.,”Endocrinology, Vol. 151, 2010,4, pp. 2613-2621.

4.Kuo, T. B. J.†, Li, J. Y.†, Chen, C. Y., Yang, C. C. H., “Changes in hippocampal theta activity during initiation and maintenance ofrunning in the rat.,”Neuroscience, Vol. 194, 2011, 8, p. 27–35.

5.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Hsieh, I T., Yang, C. C. H, “Changes in hippocampal theta rhythm and their correlations with speed duringdifferent phases of voluntary wheel running in rats.,”Neuroscience, Vol. 213, 2012, 4, pp. 54-61.

6.Kuo, T. B. J.†, Li, J. Y.†, Lai, C. T., Huang, C. H., Hsu, Y. C., Yang, C. C. H., “The effect of bed mattress and pillows on cardiovascular neural regulation during sleep in young men.,”Biomed Research International, Vol. 2013, 2013, 11, p. 937986.

7.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Yen, J. C., Tsai, S. L., Yang, C. C. H., “Voluntary and involuntary running in the rat show different patterns of theta rhythm, physical activity and heart rate.”Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 111, 2014, 3, pp. 2061-2070.

8.Huang, W. L. †, Hwang, B. T. †, Lai, C. T., Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., “Is heart rate variability related to season of birth?,”Clinical Cardiology, Vol. 38, 2015, 7, pp. 407-412.

9.Kuo, T. B. J.†, Li, J. Y.†, Kuo, H. K., Chern, C. M., Yang, C. C. H., “Differential changes and interactions of autonomic functioningand sleep architecture before and after 50 years of age.,”Age, Vol. 38, 2016, 1, p. 5.

10.Wang, Y. P., Kuo, T. B. J., Li, J. Y., Lai, C. T., Yang, C. C. H., “The relationships between heart rate deceleration capacity and spectral indices of heart rate variability during different breathing frequencies.,”European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 116, 2016, 2, pp. 1281-1287.

11.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., “Aged rats show the dominant modulation on lower frequency of hippocampal theta rhythmduring running.,”Experimental Gerontology, Vol. 83, 2016, 8, pp. 63-70.

12.Kuo, T. B. J.†, Li, J. Y.†, Chen, C. Y., Lin, Y. C., Tsai, M. W., Lin, S. P., Yang, C. C. H., “Influence of accelerometer placement and/or heart rate on physical activity energy expenditure prediction during uphill exercise.,”Journal of Motor Behavior, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2018,3, pp. 127-133.

13.Lin, S. F., Sung, Y. L., Wu, C. E., Syu, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Li, J. Y., Chen, C. W., Weng, C. H., Hsu, W. H., Chen, S. A., Hu, Y. F.,“Effects of long-term exercise on arrhythmogenesis in aged hypertensive rats,”Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 102, 2018, 11,pp. 390-395.

14.Jia-Yi Li, Chieh-Wen Chen, Tsung-Han Liu, Terry B. J. Kuo, Cheryl C. H. Yang, “Exercise prevents hypertension and disrupts the correlation between vascular sympathetic activity and age-related increase in blood pressure in SHRs,”American Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 32, 2019, 11, pp. 1091-1100.

15. Jia-Yi Li, Terry B. J. Kuo, Cheryl C. H. Yang, “Behavior consistency is a sensitive tool for distinguishing the effects of aging on physical activity,” Behavioural Brain Research, Vol. 389, 2020, 112619.

16. Jia-Yi Li, Terry B. J. Kuo, Chang-Tsen Hung, Cheryl C. H. Yang, “Voluntary exercise enhances hippocampal theta rhythm and cognition in the rat,”Behavioural Brain Research, Vol. 399, 2021, 112916.

17. Chieh-Wen Chen, Terry B. J. Kuo, Pei-Chi Hsu, Jai-Yi Li, Kuan-Liang Kuo, Cheryl C. H. Yang, “Roles of sleep-related cardiovascular autonomic functions in voluntary-exercise-induced alleviation of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats,” Hypertension Research, Vol. 45, 2022, pp. 1154–1167.

18. Kuo, T. B. J. †, Yang, C. C. H. †, Hung, C. T., Chen, C. H., Lan, T. H., Li, J. Y. * (2022) Behaviour consistency and hippocampal theta rhythm can reflect the age-related anxiety during elevated plus maze test. Experimental Gerontology. 163: 111808 †: Co-first Author

19.Yeh, C. H. , Kuo, T. B. J., Li, J. Y. , Kuo, K. L, Chern, C. M.*, Yang, C. C. H.*, Huang, H. Y. (2022) Effects of age and sex on vasomotor activity and baroreflex sensitivity during the sleep–wake cycle. Scientific Reports. 12: 22424.

20.Lin, C. W., Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J. Huang, C. W., Huang, S. S. *, Yang, C. C. H.* (2022) Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Worsens Brain Damage and Sensorimotor Behavioral Abnormalities after Ischemic Stroke: Effect on Autonomic Nervous Activity and Sleep Patterns. Brain Research. 1798, 148159.

21.Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Chen, C. H., Li, W. Y., Hung, C. T.,Li, J. Y.* (2023) Older rats show slow modulation of hippocampal theta rhythm during voluntary running. Experimental Gerontology. 173, 112092.

22.Li, W. Y., Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J. *, Kuo, K. L., Wang, T. C., Yang, C. C. H.* (2023) Low-frequency amplitude modulation of hippocampal theta rhythm in rats during treadmill running. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 86, 105313.

23.Kung, Y. Y.*, Shen, Y. C., Li, J. Y., Kao, Y. K., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H. (2023) Effects of mind-body exercise on body constitution and circadian rhythm in people with suboptimal health status. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association.

(B)研討會論文(Conference Papers)

1.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., “Hippocampal theta activity is related to locomotion speed during non-steady wheel running inrats,”Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, DC, Washington, USA, 2011, 11, 12-2011, 11, 16,.

2.Li, J. Y., Liu, T. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., “Exercise training prevents the establishment of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs): changes in sympathetic activity and sleep patterns,”Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine, Shin Kong International Health Care Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013, 3, 16-2013, 3, 17,.

3.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., “Voluntary and involuntary running in the rat show different patterns of theta rhythm, physical activity and heart rate,”Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, CA, San Diego, USA, 2013, 11, 9-2013, 11, 13,.

4.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Kuo, K. L., Yang, C. C. H., “Aged rats have almost exclusive vagal nerve modulation on heart rate during running,”The 29th joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, National Defense University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014, 3, 15-2014, 3, 16,.

5.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Wu, W. C., Chern, C. M., Yang, C. C. H., “The differential changes on autonomic functions and sleeparchitectures during the younger (20-49 yrs) and the older (50-79 yrs) adult life span.,”Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014, 3, 29-2014, 3, 30,.

6.Hsu, P. C., Li, J. Y., Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., “Effects of long-term voluntary wheel running on autonomic cardiovascularregulation and sleep pattern in SHRs,”Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015, 3, 28-2015, 3, 29,.

7.Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., “Differential changes and interactions of autonomic functioning and sleep architecture beforeand after 50 years of age,”Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, IL, Chicago, USA, 2015, 10, 17-2015, 10, 21,.

8.Ren, B. S., Li, J. Y., Tsai, J. W., Yang, C. C. H., “Cloud Computing Healthcare System and Physical Activity can effectively improve functional fitness, blood pressure and autonomic function in elderly,”The 31th joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, National Defense University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016, 3, 26-2016, 3, 27,.

9.Li, J. Y., Lin, Y. C., Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., “Novel application of multi dynamic trend analysis as a sensitive tool of gaitmaturation for children.,”Health Management Society of Taiwan, Xiangshan Dist, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2017, 11, 3-2017, 11, 3,.

10.Li, J. Y, Chen, C. W., Liu, T. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., “Exercise prevents hypertension and disrupts the correlation between vascular sympathetic activity and age-related increase in blood pressure in SHRs.,”The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Kobe, Kobe, Japan, 2018, 7, 26-2018, 7, 29,.



13.黃薇蓁、林廷翰、蔡佩妤、李嘉宜、趙光正,「探討電刺激對年輕人自律神經影響」,2020健康管理國際學術研討會,新竹市:香山區,民國109年11月6日。(分組口頭發表第一名) 。


15.韋雅婷、邱麗澄、江冠儒、陳俊秀、李嘉宜,「探討295.8 Hz音頻對體重過重者自律神經功能之影響」,2020健康管理國際學術研討會,新竹市:香山區,民國109年11月6日。(分組口頭發表第一名)。

(C)專書及專書論文(Single Author & Co-Author Publications)

1.林嘉志譯、沙布‧魯比譯、李嘉宜譯、徐國峰譯、陸康豪譯、張嘉珍譯、陳哲修譯、陳奐杰譯、黃香萍譯、蘇玫尹譯,ACSM’s Foundations of Strength Training and Conditioning,ACSM基礎肌力與體能訓練,9789576169977,台北,民國103年11月。

2.楊靜修、,第二章第一節日出到日落─生命的歷程; 第六章第一節運動,心率變異研究:從健康養生到疾病診療,9789863681526,台北,民國105年1月。

(E)參與主持的政府機構研究計畫(Chairman of Government Sponsored Research Project)

1.建立輕度認知障礙監控及預測之生理指標: 非醫療介入之可能(10601-62-023),協同研究人員,臺北市立聯合醫院,2017/01-2017/12。

2.中藥品質及中醫藥輔助療效研究-以客觀生理參數驗證亞健康人之中醫證型(MOHW 106-NRICM-C-104-000001),衛福部中醫藥研究所,2017/02-2018/01。

3.不同頻帶海馬迴theta 波參與大鼠學習記憶、動作熟稔程度及情緒之探索(MOST 106-2314-B-264-002),科技部,2017/08-2018/07。

4.不同頻帶海馬迴theta 波參與大鼠學習記憶、動作熟稔程度及情緒之探索 (第二年延續計畫)(MOST 107-2314-B-264-003),科技部,2018/08-2019/07。

5.探討共振微電流儀對自律神經功能之影響,產學合作計畫,2019/11 - 2020/10。

6.探討295.8 Hz音頻及代餐對自律神經功能之影響,產學合作計畫,2020/04 - 2020/12。

7.建立大鼠行為複雜度分析模式:海馬迴theta波之應用 (MOST 109-2314-B-264-002-MY2),科技部,2020/08-2022/7。